How it Works

What is
Calcmaps PRO?

Calcmaps Pro is a powerful online tool that allows users to create customized maps for a wide range of applications, from a Location Store to Urban planning or Marketing and Logistics or for enthusiasts that just want to plan a trip or draw multiple circles, distances or areas and be able to save and edit them later.

It is a user-friendly platform that is easy to use, even for beginners. With this tool you can create from a simple area to a more advanced 3D object in a Map and even export data to a spreadsheet.

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How to

Create a free account and test it for 14 days, no credit card required. After that, you can continue using our tools and features for an affordable price.

Calcmaps PRO is user friendly, so you can use it on your desktop, tablet or even mobile devices.

Start right now

How to
Create my first Map?

After you register, you can start by creating a Geometry Project, a Store Locator, or an Elevation Profile project.

Inside any of these projects, you'll find various tools that will certainly help you in your business or personal project.

If you have any questions in how to use these tools, you can check our tutorials on our Examples page or at our Youtube channel.

Create my Map

How to
Share or Publish Maps?

Once your project is completed, you can publish it to the cloud and embed it in your website. You can also simply share the link with others or create a presentation in preview mode.

The integration is very easy to set up, after publishing your project you'll see the instructions. If you have any difficulties, we are here to help you.

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